We are healthy, happy, worn out, and busy as always. Kyle is still working lots of overtime and we are gearing up for all our Fall events. We have:
>Prep for Kindergarden - teacher conference, Back to School Night, haircuts, shopping, etc.
>Back to School Parties - *homemade spudnuts and rootbeer Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m. in our backyard, come on over.*
>Dance Registration - for the girls
>Family Reunions - both sides
>School Choir - I'm crazy. Gathering and purchasing holiday/winter music, getting flyers out, drafting a script, and securing help.
>Looking for a bigger car - we are, frankly, stressed out about finding a larger vehicle in budget that isn't a van. $10 says we end up with one despite all our best efforts.
>Doctor appointments - less than 8 weeks to go!
>Daughters of the Utah Pioneers - meetings, and being a docent for the local museum...twice.
Despite how it sounds, we are not as over booked as we were earlier in the summer (thank heavens) though I fear this is the calm before the September storm. This is not supposed to be a blog about our business, but I do want to keep those of you who may be interested up to speed. I will at some point post more pictures, but I'm more than a little behind in that area at the moment.
Somewhere in between now and the end of Sept., Kyle and I will celebrate 7 happy years of marriage and welcome Juliet Sophia to our family. We witness blessings and miracles in our lives everyday and are grateful for all we have.
Congrats to all the moms out there with your new babies (there are a ton of you right now!). Hope you're well!
Widow's Mites
8 months ago
I can't believe you are gettin ready to welcome #4. I hope everything goes well and you don't go crazy with all you have planned!
Looks busy!! and fun at the same time.. Good luck with your new little one!
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