So it has been forever since I updated our blog. My hectic schedule is certainly to blame to an extent, but really our computer has been giving us fits and I've almost given up on it completely. We are appearantly having memory problems and everything runs ridiculously slow. I, therefore, have been unwilling to sit down with my precious little free time to battle it out long enough to get something posted. Today I went through and deleted as many programs as I could within reason so I am now attempting to catch you up. Quickly: (sorry no pics!)
Our sweet Scarlett turned 5 years old the first week of February. She is a delight! She's a great help and a second mother. She'd prefer to do everything for everyone herself and even tries to take care of me when she gets the chance. She's an old soul and mature beyond her few years. She reminds me of me as a child with her interest in sports, math, and reason. She'll start Kindergarden in the Fall and I'm not sure if I'm ready to give her up to the school system yet! She's more than ready and will certainly benefit from the new levels she'll find there. We love her so much.
The girls started taking dance lessons and get to be in the same class. They love it! Scarlett will start up soccer again next month and we've dabbled a little more with teaching her piano. I've been playing basketball and volleyball as well as doing the elementary school choir. Kyle just finished up his very first job (first time he's run a whole job himself) and did an awesome job.
Finally we are expecting our 4th (and perhaps final?) little Kluge. We're very excited and plan on welcoming our addition into the world somewhere around sept. 28th (my late Grandma Wanlass' birthday...which I think is way cool. She was great!). What's fun is that this little one will have plenty of cousins close in age--which I didn't have much of. My sister is expecting and is eight weeks ahead of me, a sister-in-law is two weeks ahead, while another sister-in-law is due a week after! It truly is a blessing to have good family that is able to share similar experiences and give support. I'm grateful for the stong wonderful women around me that are such examples to me of faith, patience, and love.
Widow's Mites
8 months ago
Congrats on the little one! Sounds like you guys are staying very busy
Yay! Congrats on another little one :) That is so exciting...I hope you are feeling good!
I'm sure I glad I read your blog since you haven't said anything about expecting another little one recentlysl. That is very exciting. Congrats! Does this mean you won't be playing VB with the stake next year????? I guess you are an every other year participant. Congrats once again!
I miss YOU so much. Glad to get the update. We are definitely in need of some KLUGE time! We'll be home (physically) on March 28, but may be several weeks after that before our brains catch up! Aubrey is already packing her bags and planning the next sleepover, heh,heh.
Great to hear you are all doing well, and I can't wait to hear more about the newest addition.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so great you are having another baby..
We were excited to hear you are having another one! That will be fun! Two for each to keep a hold of! I hope the pregnancy goes well for you and we wish you all the best in the world!
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